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Published on 19 September 2022


ASTIC Injection Industrielle has just been awarded a diploma. We have successfully completed the INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE (IDF) program.
The IDF scheme was initiated by GIFAS with the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the CETIM, SPACE and BOOST AEROSPACE; we joined IDF – convinced of the benefits that this effective support program could bring us!

This support allowed us to define our needs, with a view to exceeding technological thresholds as part of our modernisation. Especially the digitisation of our production potential. Specifications (CDC), for the acquisition and use of MES, in our Injection workshop, were defined in detail.

More than this, the whole company is gaining in competence using CDCs and project management in general.

The know how is now in place and all we have to do is extend this knowledge to our collaborators.

The program, also makes it possible to exchange with companies of the same “promotion”. These very enriching exchanges allow us to move forward, with continuous improvement, by sharing best practices.

Thanks again to everyone who has been a participant in this program. Not just collaborating companies and other external actors, but also those, in-house, who helped us along the way!!

This is now our 3rd support program and we have no intention to stop here!

The link to the GIFAS information: